The trailer of Srijit Mukherji’s upcoming web-series Robindronath Ekhane Kawkhono Khete Aashenni is driven by the character Mushkan Zuberi (Azmeri Haque Badhon), the mysterious owner of the titular restaurant. Starring Rahul Bose and featuring Anirban Bhattacharya, Anirban Chakrabarti and Anjan Dutt, the thriller depicts elements of witchcraft, which is supposedly practised by Zuberi.
Intrigued by the anecdotes about the restaurant and its owner, journalist Nirupam Chanda (Bose), who has lived outside Kolkata most of his life, employs a local, Ator Ali (Bhattacharya) to snoop around. Ali seems convinced that Zuberi is a witch, infamous for casting spells on men. Another character, Khawraj Khasnobis (Dutt), also warns Chanda about Zuberi’s paranormal activities.
In the course of their investigations, Chanda and Ali discover that Zuberi is linked to certain deaths. While speaking to her in person, Chanda seems to be blown away by her aura and charm. The duo also faces numerous obstacles including police inspector Tapan Sikdar (Chakrabarti), who threatens to bring them to book.
However, the most intriguing visuals in the trailer, which otherwise appears dramatically staged, are those of a damaged aircraft that lying in a frigid location and is filled with corpses
While Badhon generates anticipation with her enigmatic character, Bhattacharya as Ali seems to be acing his dialect and doing justice to his character of the curious informer.
Robindronath Ekhane Kawkhono Khete Aashenni will be streamed from 13 August on Hoichoi.