Popular streaming site ‘Hoichoi’ has recently unveiled the trailer of its new web-series ‘Taqdeer’ through a unique live-stream virtual event. The virtual event started with the renowned actor Chanchal Chowdhury who is also the lead actor in the series, introducing the series and his character named ‘Taqdeer’ in the series.
He is then followed by the other cast members of ‘Taqdeer’ namely, Sanjida Preeti, Manoj Pramanik and Shohel Mondol Rana, introducing their characters one by one. The series features some of the very talented faces of the industry who have shown promising performances in the trailer. After the character introductions are done, the event is thereby concluded with Chanchal Chowdhury finally unveiling the much-awaited official trailer of ‘Taqdeer’.
The plot of the series revolves around the story of a freezer van driver in Dhaka named Taqdeer whose whole life turns upside down when he finds a bullet wounded, mid 30s, dead woman’s body inside his van. A trail of chaotic events thereby follows which pushes Taqdeer and his best friend Montu (played by Shohel Rana) into bigger crises.
The trailer of ‘Taqdeer’ promises a mind-bending thrill throughout as the characters are seen absorbing into different events of dark crimes at different levels. This trailer opens by showing how a Journalist (played by Sanjida Preeti) goes missing after she investigates a case involving a memory card and hence gets killed in the process. A freezer truck driver finds her body in his own truck and gets entangled in a police investigation and become a murder suspect. Now he has to go to lengths to prove his innocence. Loaded with numerous elements of suspense and thrill, ‘Taqdeer’ is all set to treat the audience with good content.