A comedy caper involving two childhood friends Anupam( Ankush) and Rajat (Rudranil Ghosh) who decide to get married. Soon after they realize the consequences of conjugal life. Thus starts their marital adventure or Bibaho Obhijaan, a roller-coaster laughter riot
It’s a playful tribute to the eternal ‘Tom & Jerry’ bonding between husbands & wives! Watch the film on Hoichoi
SVF has been in the media industry for more than two decades and holds a library of the best creative content in terms of Films/Television/Web-shows/Music/books rights in Bengali. We’re always looking forward to collaborate with Partners/Platforms. If our content intrigues you, and you wish to buy the rights of it, contact us at subhadip@svf.in and a member from our IP team will reach out to you.
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