Adventures of Jojo is a children’s adventure film that narrates the journey of Jojo, a young boy of twelve, as he travels to Borpahari to visit his uncle.
He makes friends with a young boy, Shibu, and an elephant, Nonibala. The three of them become best friends and roam around the forests of Borpahari in search of the most feared beast of the forest, Chengis. Who is this ‘Chengis’, whom the entire jungle of Baropahari fears? Will Jojo be able to rescue Chengis from the clutches of the poachers and save the jungle and its wildlife? Watch the film on Hoichoi
SVF has been in the media industry for more than two decades and holds a library of the best creative content in terms of Films/Television/Web-shows/Music/books rights in Bengali. We’re always looking forward to collaborate with Partners/Platforms. If our content intrigues you, and you wish to buy the rights of it, contact us at and a member from our IP team will reach out to you.
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