Slice of India in London
The 10-year-old London Indian Film Festival has finally arrived. Spread across 23 venues in five UK cities, it saw the screening of 25 feature films, world premieres and three movie events.
Lalit Mohan Joshi
This year’s highlight of the London Indian Film Festival (LIFF 2019) was Bengali cinema. Srijit Mukherji’s latest thriller Vinci Da turned a hot favourite of Indian as well as western audiences. A London-based English teacher, Robert Aghajanian, was floored. “Besides being a master thriller, it prompts you to think more deeply about responsibility and guilt. To me, it shows that life is more intricate, more nuanced and has lots of shades of grey. It invites you to make your own mind as to who are the goodies and baddies in life.”….Click here to read the full story