Sangeet Bangla To Turn 14 on Poila Boisakh
The channel has maintained its top position because of their riveting audience-capturing and retaining programmes. Good packaging, high production standards and quality content have positioned the channel as the most preferred choice of the Bengali music loving audience.
SB Morning Hits, Howrah Bridge, Tumi Je Amar , SB Superhits, Nonstop Hits, SB Public Demand, SB Hit Machine, SB Tunes, Fresh Hits, Karaoke Film Hits, SB All Time Hits and Top 10 are some of the notable shows of the channel.
Sangeet Bangla is the channel preferred by the Tollywood Film Industry to promote their upcoming films because of the unwavering status it has held since its inception. One of its highlights is that it aims to keep the audience informed about the latest happenings of Tollywood. It’s social following is immense with 5.6 million followers on Facebook with a reach of 6.3 million, 381K followers/713K impressions on Twitter, 4.8 lakh subscribers on YouTube with approximately 80 million views (total) and 135K followers on Instagram and counting.