Getting together to grill Dhritiman Chaterji

The actor fields questions on Shanku, Satyajit Ray films and his acting process

On December 5, Anirban Bhattacharya walked into the famous Bishop Lefroy Road address for the first time. The occasion was a chat with actor Dhritiman Chaterji, who plays Professor Shanku in the December 20 film Professor Shanku O El Dorado. “I don’t know how to put this feeling of romancha into words… I’m also sitting with Dhritiman Chaterji on a sofa for a chat for the first time. I had a matinee show of a play called Titumir and I was a bit tired. But after sitting here for five minutes, my body temperature started changing. I can feel the energy coursing through my body. It is an indescribable feeling,” smiled Anirban. …Click here to read the full story